This is a THIRD-PARTY.txt file for SVNKit - pure Java Subversion client library. This file lists all third party libraries used by this version of SVNKit. 1) JNA JNA Libary, version 3.2.3 - Dynamically access native libraries from Java without JNI. License: LGPL 2.1 or later ( URL: Note: JNA is an optional component, remove jna.jar from the classpath if you would not like to use it. 2) TriLead SSH-2 Trilead Library, build 213 - Java SSH-2 library License: URL: Note: Trilead library is only used for svn+ssh connections. Otherwise you may remove trilead.jar from the classpath. Note: This version of SVNKit uses patched version of Trilead Library (with additional Connection.getVersionInfo method). Currently SVNKit will not work with the Trilead library downloaded from web site. We expect next version of Trilead library (build 214) to be compatible with SVNKit. 3) SQLJet SQLJet library, version 1.0.2.b910 (1.0.2). License: GNU GPL with double licensing option (contact Note: SQLJet is an optional component for enabling representation cache feature when working with local 1.6 Subversion repositories. Remove sqljet1.0.2.jar from the classpath if you would not like SVNKit to use it.