+ When possible, JNA library is used for most of native calls instead of Runtime.exec(...) + HTTP Digest authentications works better. + Bug in keywords expansion code fixed. + Other bugfixes. = version 1.1.4 + Connections pool closes inactive connections on timeout. + Bugfixes. = version 1.1.3 + Encrypted credentials supported on Windows. + OpenVMS support improved. + Bugfixes. + Daily builds now available at http://teamcity.svnkit.com/ = version 1.1.2 + SVNKit command line client: interactive credentials prompt added. + SVNKit command line client: jsvnversion added. + JavaHL: SVNAdmin implemented using SVNKit API. + System-wide configuration files support (e.g. /etc/subversion on Linux) + bugfixes. = version 1.1.1 + added support for svnlook features. + added support for svnadmin dump/verify/load/rmtxns/lstxns features. + svn, svnadmin, svnlook and svnsync scripts are renamed to jsvn, jsvnadmin, jsvnlook and jsvnsync to distinguish them from the native programs. + command line scripts supports OpenVMS. + bugfixes. = version 1.1.0 + command line application and API to perform svnsync. + bugfixes. = version 1.1.0.beta5 + support for Subversion 1.4 working copy and new fsfs repository format. + support for new features introduced by Subversion 1.4. + bugfixes. = version 1.1.0.beta4 + bug introduced in beta3 version fixed: Eclipse keyring credentials storage support was broken. = version 1.1.0.beta3 + Minor API improvements. + Minor bugfixes. = version 1.1.0.beta2 + NTLM authentication method support. + Javadoc updated to match new SVNKit features. + Minor bugfixes. = version 1.1.0.beta + 'file' protocol support (for 'fsfs' repositories). = version 1.0.3 + improved cancellation support + improved versioned symlinks handling + improved HTTP proxies support + bugfixes = version 1.0.2 + full support of the new Subversion 1.3.0 features. + ssh 'keyboard-interactive' authentication support. + ssl client certificate prompt support. + error codes and error messages hierarchy support in the API. + utility classes to genereta operatios output in XML format. + faster delta generation and delta processing code. + utility API classes to process and generate deltas. + documentations improved, Commit and Export examples simplified. + bugfixes ! Note: This version includes minor API changes and is not binary compatible with the previous versions. API changes are: * String error messages replaced with SVNErrorMessage objects * ISVNFileRevisionHanlder callback interface changed * all callback interfaces methods now declared as throwing SVNException = version 1.0.1 + bugfixes = version 1.0.0 + documentation related improvements + bugfixes = version 0.9.3 + licensing conditions changed + support for atomic commit from different working copies + persistent connections support + improvements in performance and memory consumption + bugfixes = version 0.9.2 + RC2: bugfixes related to configuration handling and svn+ssh authentication = version 0.9.1 + RC1: All features planned for 1.0 version are completed. = version + critical bug in SVNKit Eclipse plugin fixed. = version 0.8.8 + http digest auth support (requires apache version > 2.0.48) + wc->url and url->wc copy operations + use-commit-times option support + bugfixes = version + Subclipse v0.9.30 compatible = version + Subclipse v0.9.29 compatible = version 0.8.7 + http proxy support + svn "keywords" are expanded properly + different eol's in a file are handled correctly + other minor bugfixes = version 0.8.6 + annotate (blame) operation is implemented. + http: server socket close detected properly and doesn't result in operation failure. + SVNClient: absolute paths are used in notifications. + SVNClient: fileContent method traces file renames. + SVNClient: list and logMessages methods return paths sorted alphabetically. + SVNClient: auth info is stored in Eclipse key ring when used within Eclipse. = version 0.8.5 + SVNClient: WC copy and move operations work properly on Linux and OS X. + SVNClient: "conflicted" status is reported correctly during update ("merged" was reported instead). = version 0.8.4 + Subclipse Extension supports Subclipse 0.9.28 + tabulations in externals definitions processed correctly. = version 0.8.3 + children of copied or moved directories were not committed properly when their wc revision was different from the parent's one. + http: all DAV requests (including commit comments) are sent in UTF-8 encoding. + SvnClient: add and remove methods didn't work for directories, fixed. + SvnClient: commit of single file deletion didn't work, fixed. + Eclipse: SVNKit features installed from update site supports automatic update = version 0.8.2 + svn+ssh: persistent ssh connection is used to improve svn+ssh performance. + http: problems with accessing repository location that needs different credentials then repository root is fixed. + http: all paths in requests are canonicalized, some svn server versions failed to process non-canonicalized paths. + wc: changes in externals were not committed correctly over http when using ISVNWorkspace.commit(...), fixed. + SvnClient: diff method implemented (so that Eclipse "generate patch" action works). + SvnClient: copy and move methods fixed to work properly in Subclipse repository view. + SvnClient: setPrompt support, better notifications, "windows" paths are handled correctly. + logging: Pluggable loggers support and detailed http logging added (thanks to Marc Strapez). + logging: Eclipse SVNKit version uses Eclipse logging facilities. = version 0.8.1 + bugs with committing files within moved directories fixed + bugfixes related to operations over http connection + for subclipse users: more detailed console notifications on svn operations = version 0.8.0 + new builds versioning schema introduced + update site with eclipse plugin and subclipse extension added = build 20050131 + import works properly with single file and when importing to non-yet-existing directories + switch works properly when switching single file + more minor bugfixes = build 20050120 + bugs with commiting locally copied files fixed + DAV '/' repository location handled correctly = build 20050112 + lot of incompatibilities with native svn fixed + SVNClient supports remote deletion, copy and move operations = build 20050106 + number of bugs in remote status implementation fixed + ISVNWorkspace.getFileContent method restored to keep binary compatibility + Diff generators framework added, now SVNKit provides API for generating diff in different formats ('unified' and 'normal') for arbitrary input sources = build 20050105 + svn+ssh authentication failed to work in some cases - fixed + revisions in working copy now updated correctly after update + got rid of number of minor inconsistences between SVNKit and native SVN + http and https protocols supports compressed data (gzip) = build 20041223 + ISVNWorkspace.delete now accepts 'force' parameter + bug fixed that prevented Subclipse committing single file in non-windows systems + complete svn and svn+ssh protocol logging may be enabled with -Dsvnkit.log.svn=true command line switch = build 20041221 + when using svn+ssh SVNKit takes private key path from the java property, if it is not defined explicitly + svn+ssh bugfixes + bugfixes = build 20041219 + infinite loop on commits that includes workspace root fixed + JavaHL: SVNClient accepts all revision kinds (DATE, HEAD, etc.) = build 20041217 + bugfixes = build 20041216 + bugfixes = build 20041211 + command line svn client (status, import, checkout are implemented) + python tests launcher to reuse original svn python tests suite + bugfixes = build 20041209 + bugfixes = build 20041204 + bugfixes + SVNKit works with Subclipse 0.9.24 = build 20041130 + bugfixes = build 20041126 + svn+shh protocol support (with the jsch library) + bugfixes = build 20041124 + javahl copy, move and mkdir methods implementation + methods to manage global ignore added to ISVNWorkspace + bugfixes = build 20041123 + recursive property set operation + ISVNWorkspace accepts credentials provider + SSLContext made pluggable + javahl replacement works with Subclipse + bugfixes = build 20041118 + javahl implementation (SvnClient) is included into the library + workspace accepts credentials provider = build 20041116 + bugfixes = build 20041110 + svn:externals support + bugfixes = build 20041109 + bug that prevents checkout sometimes fixed = build 20041108 + authentication API simplified + performance improvements + bugfixes = build 20041105 + switch and relocate operations + bugfixes