configurations { pythonTests16 svnBinaries16 pythonTests17 svnBinaries17 } dependencies { pythonTests16 'org.tigris.subversion:svn-python-tests:1.6.18-v2@tgz' if (!project.hasProperty('svn.binaries.local')) { svnBinaries16 'org.tigris.subversion:svn-binaries:1.6.18-v2@tgz' } pythonTests17 'org.apache.subversion:svn-python-tests:1.7.5@tgz' if (!project.hasProperty('svn.binaries.local')) { svnBinaries17 'org.apache.subversion:svn-binaries:1.7.5@tgz' } } sourceSets { main { java { srcDir file('nailgun/src/java/prod') } } } project.ext { sandboxDir = getSandboxLocation() logsDir = new File(sandboxDir, 'logs') svnBinariesDir = getSvnBinariesLocation() pythonTestsDir = new File(sandboxDir, 'svn-python-tests') testPropertiesFile = new File(sandboxDir, '') svnVersion = project.hasProperty('svnVersion') ? project.getProperty('svnVersion') : '16' singleFormat = project.hasProperty('singleFormat') testConfiguration = project.hasProperty('testConfiguration') ? project.getProperty('testConfiguration') : 'default' } test.dependsOn configurations."pythonTests${project.svnVersion}" test.dependsOn configurations."svnBinaries${project.svnVersion}" classes << { copy { into file('build/classes/main') from file('nailgun/src/java/prod') include '**/*.properties' } } test { ignoreFailures = true } test.doFirst { project.mkdir(sandboxDir) project.mkdir(logsDir) buildNailgun() // create wc.h file at build/libsvn_wc/wc.h File wcHeader = new File(buildDir, "libsvn_wc/wc.h"); wcHeader.getParentFile().mkdirs(); wcHeader << "\n#define SVN_WC__VERSION 29\n"; try { runPythonTests() } finally { cleanSandbox() } } def runPythonTests() { File pythonTestsTar = configurations."pythonTests${project.svnVersion}".files.find {return true} File svnBinariesTar = configurations."svnBinaries${project.svnVersion}".files.find {return true} untar(pythonTestsTar, sandboxDir) copy { into sandboxDir into('svn-python-tests') { from 'configurations/svn' + project.svnVersion + '/cmdline' } } if (!project.hasProperty('svn.binaries.local')) { untar(svnBinariesTar, sandboxDir) } if (getOSName() != 'windows' && project.svnVersion == '17') { File link = new File(sandboxDir, 'svn-python-tests/entries-dump') File target = new File(svnBinariesDir, 'bin/entries-dump') if (!link.exists() && target.exists()) { ant.symlink(link: link.absolutePath, resource: target.absolutePath) } File libSvnWc = new File(sandboxDir, "libsvn_wc"); libSvnWc.mkdirs(); link = new File(libSvnWc, 'wc-lock-tester') target = new File(svnBinariesDir, 'bin/wc-lock-tester') if (!link.exists() && target.exists()) { ant.symlink(link: link.absolutePath, resource: target.absolutePath) } } copy { into sandboxDir into('') { from "configurations/shared" } into('') { from "configurations/svn${project.svnVersion}" exclude "**/*.properties" } } if (svnBinariesDir == null || !svnBinariesDir.isDirectory()) { println "Cannot locate subversion binaries for '${getOSName()}' OS, skipping python tests." return } if (getOSName() != 'windows') { exec { commandLine 'ldd' args new File(svnBinariesDir, 'bin/svn').absolutePath environment 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' : new File(svnBinariesDir, 'lib').absolutePath } } exec { commandLine new File(svnBinariesDir, 'bin/svn').absolutePath args '--version' environment 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' : new File(svnBinariesDir, 'lib').absolutePath } // 2. generate test environment properties and merge them with the test properties def testProperties = generateTestEnvironmentProperties(svnBinariesDir) appendDefaultTestProperties(project.svnVersion, project.testConfiguration, testProperties) testPropertiesFile.withOutputStream { stream ->, null) } javaexec { if (project.hasProperty('debug')) { debug = true } workingDir = sandboxDir enableAssertions = true systemProperty '', 'false' systemProperty 'svnkit.compatibleHash', 'true' systemProperty 'svnkit.wc.17', (project.svnVersion == '17') systemProperty 'svnkit.wc.17only', project.singleFormat environment 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' : new File(svnBinariesDir, 'lib').absolutePath main = 'org.tmatesoft.svn.core.test.PythonTests' classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath args testPropertiesFile.absolutePath, new File(sandboxDir, 'daemon').absolutePath } } def appendDefaultTestProperties(String svnVersion, String configurationName, Properties properties) { File propertiesFile = file("configurations/svn${svnVersion}/${configurationName}.properties") propertiesFile.withInputStream { properties.load(it) } return properties } def generateTestEnvironmentProperties(File svnBinaries) { Properties properties = new Properties() properties.put('daemon', 'true') properties.put('svn.home', svnBinariesDir.absolutePath ) properties.put('svnserve.path', new File(svnBinaries, 'bin/svnserve').absolutePath ) properties.put('apache.path', '/usr/sbin/apache2ctl') properties.put('apache.root', '/usr/lib/apache2') properties.put('apache.svn.modules', new File(svnBinaries, 'modules').absolutePath ) properties.put('python.launcher', 'python') properties.put('python.tests', pythonTestsDir.absolutePath ) properties.put('python.tests.results', testResultsDir.absolutePath) properties.put('python.tests.logDir', logsDir.absolutePath) return properties } def untar(File tgz, File into) { if (getOSName() != 'windows') { exec { commandLine 'tar' args '-C', into.absolutePath, '-xzf', tgz.absolutePath } } else { ant.untar(src: tgz.absolutePath, dest: into.absolutePath, compression: 'gzip') } } def buildNailgun() { copy { from file('nailgun') into new File(sandboxDir, 'daemon') include '**/ng.exe' include 'src/**' include 'Makefile' } if (getOSName() != 'windows') { exec { commandLine 'make' args 'ng' workingDir = new File(sandboxDir, 'daemon') } } } def getOSName() { String osNameProperty = System.getProperty('') osNameProperty = osNameProperty.toLowerCase() if (osNameProperty.indexOf('windows') >= 0) { return 'windows' } else if (osNameProperty.indexOf('mac') >= 0) { return 'osx' } return 'linux' } def getSvnBinariesLocation() { if (System.getenv()['SVN_TEST_HOME'] != null) { return new File(System.getenv()['SVN_TEST_HOME']) } return new File(sandboxDir, 'svn-binaries/' + getOSName()) } def getSandboxLocation() { String systemLocation = System.getenv()['SVN_TEST_SANDBOX']; if (systemLocation != null) { File sandbox = File.createTempFile('svnkit.', '.sandbox', new File(systemLocation)) sandbox.delete() return sandbox } return new File(buildDir, 'sandbox') } def cleanSandbox() { String systemLocation = System.getenv()['SVN_TEST_SANDBOX']; if (systemLocation != null) { project.delete(sandboxDir.absolutePath) } }