= version 1.0.0 build 20041221 + when using svn+ssh JavaSVN takes private key path from the java property, if it is not defined explicitly + svn+ssh bugfixes + bugfixes = version 1.0.0 build 20041219 + infinite loop on commits that includes workspace root fixed + JavaHL: SVNClient accepts all revision kinds (DATE, HEAD, etc.) = version 1.0.0 build 20041217 + bugfixes = version 1.0.0 build 20041216 + bugfixes = version 1.0.0 build 20041211 + command line svn client (status, import, checkout are implemented) + python tests launcher to reuse original svn python tests suite + bugfixes = version 1.0.0 build 20041209 + bugfixes = version 1.0.0 build 20041204 + bugfixes + JavaSVN works with Subclipse 0.9.24 = version 1.0.0 build 20041130 + bugfixes = version 1.0.0 build 20041126 + svn+shh protocol support (with the jsch library) + bugfixes = version 1.0.0 build 20041124 + javahl copy, move and mkdir methods implementation + methods to manage global ignore added to ISVNWorkspace + bugfixes = version 1.0.0 build 20041123 + recursive property set operation + ISVNWorkspace accepts credentials provider + SSLContext made pluggable + javahl replacement works with Subclipse + bugfixes = version 1.0.0 build 20041118 + javahl implementation (SvnClient) is included into the library + workspace accepts credentials provider = version 1.0.0 build 20041116 + bugfixes = version 1.0.0 build 20041110 + svn:externals support + bugfixes = version 1.0.0 build 20041109 + bug that prevents checkout sometimes fixed = version 1.0.0 build 20041108 + authentication API simplified + performance improvements + bugfixes = version 1.0.0 build 20041105 + switch and relocate operations + bugfixes